Assignment 1: Week 5

Wow I really love this technique!
It allows me to "cartoonise" pictures according to my own interest. :3


First Attempt:

Final Attempt:

1. Use Freeform Pen Tool to trace the outlines, create shape and fill the shape. The shapes and lines can be adjusted using Direct Selection Tool.
2. Create a new layer. Form the background with straight lines using Rectangle Tool, experiment with your own colour combinations.
3. Make the straight lines circular using Distort - Polar Coordinates.
4. Change the texture further by selecting on the Distort - Twirl.
5. Use Gradient Tool to adjust the colour gradient. In fact, you can use any of effects in Filters according to your own preference.
6. Use Brush Tool to create the blush on the cheek and also the shadow on the neck and forehead area by adjusting the opacity of the brush.


Textures can be created by playing with colours & the different effects in Filters coupled with several other layers with different textures. In this case, I have used 3 layers in total, with effects such as Render - Difference Cloud, Distort - Zigzag, Distort - Twirl, Blur - Gaussian Blur, Distort - Wave, and also some of the other effects in Smart Filters.

God bless,

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