Assignment 1: Week 8 - 10 (Free Topics)

The descriptions of the techniques used are very brief because they are all similar to the ones explained in the previous posts. Be flexible with the things you have learned yo! 

Cookie Monster
Onomm nomm nomm... Cookies!

The background is created using Filters whereas the Cookie Monster and the word bubble are drawn using Free Pen Tool. The word "COOKIES" is written using Horizontal Type Tool, then rasterised before using Free Transform Tool to adjust the angle.

City of Rock n' Roll

The background colour is filled using Paint Bucket Tool. The outlines of the buildings are drawn using Freeform Pen Tool. The words are form using Horizontal Type Tool > Rasterise - Type > Transform - Warp.

Strawberry Tongue
I know this is very ewwwwwwwww... But please bear with me through this last one.

Images of the tongue and the strawberry are gathered. Adjustment - Desaturate the tongue and save it as a displacement psd file. Reopen the original file. Distort - Displace the strawberry using the displacement psd file saved earlier. Adjust the horizontal and vertical scale accordingly. Erase the unwanted areas of the strawberry image using Brush Tool after applying Masking.

God bless,

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